Happy fourth anniversary, Retraction Watch

logoYesterday was our fourth birthday. We published our first post, “Why write a blog about retractions?” on August 3, 2010, and the anniversary seems as good a time as any to review where we’ve been.

Here were some highlights of the past twelve months:

As has been true since we began, none of this would have been possible without our loyal readers and your story tips, encouragement, and constructive criticism. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

We have even more developments in in store for our fifth year. Anniversary gifts aren’t necessary, but if you wanted to contribute to our continued growth so that we can continue our internship program in the future and take on other initiatives, we would be most grateful.





11 thoughts on “Happy fourth anniversary, Retraction Watch”

  1. Happy Birthday! Where did year 3 go? I remember the first and second anniversary – and now it is 4 already! Your blog is becoming a must read for many people and, I know from comments, scientists are discovering this on their own – and reporting to us when they recognize “Marcus.”

  2. Happy birthday and congratulations. The retraction watch emails are the 1st I open each day. Some make me sad, others mad or angry, yet some make me smile. Keep up the good work.

  3. Reblogged this on prior probability and commented:
    How rampant are fraud and deceit and general bullshit in science and academia generally? Thanks to blogs like “Retraction Watch” we now know by name who some of the worst offenders are. (Social psychologists are an especially bad bunch.) Happy Birthday “Retraction Watch”!

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