Virtual reality researcher notches fifth retraction

techforcchangeA researcher who studies the use of virtual reality and other media and who has already had four retractions has retracted another paper.

The 2007 paper by Dong Hee Shin, then of Penn State University, appeared in Technological Forecasting and Social Change and was titled “Potential user factors driving adoption of IPTV. What are customers expecting from IPTV?” It has been cited 24 times, according to Thomson Scientific’s Web of Knowledge.

According to the notice:

This article has been retracted at the request of the author. Table 6 of this article was reproduced from a prior paper of the same author (Shin, D. H., Info 9 (2007) 65–79., due to an administrative error.

An “administrative error” was the cause of another retraction in the same journal, which we reported on yesterday.

Of note, the paper from which Shin’s Table 6 was reproduced — which appeared in the journal info — now has a Corrigendum:

It has been brought to Emerald’s attention that this paper – Dong H. Shin, (2007) “Socio-technical analysis of IPTV: a case study of Korean IPTV”, info, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 65-79 – includes minor errors in Table I. It is the Editors’ belief that this has no bearing on the discussion or conclusion of the paper. Any readers who wish to obtain the correct table should contact the corresponding author. The author thanks Dr Murali Venkatesh for his valuable guidance on the socio-technical approach.

Shin is now at Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea.

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