Weekend reads: Scientist loses job after 30 retractions; breast cancer researcher committed misconduct; “two crashes” at Duke

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The week at Retraction Watch featured:

Here’s what was happening elsewhere:

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3 thoughts on “Weekend reads: Scientist loses job after 30 retractions; breast cancer researcher committed misconduct; “two crashes” at Duke”

  1. Regarding the item “A publishing company plans to add an advisory note to future copies of a book written by White House adviser Peter Navarro, after it was revealed that Navarro fabricated one of the people he quoted.”, does anyone know whether a similar advisory note or correction has been issued for Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch’s book (see http://retractionwatch.com/2017/04/05/supreme-court-nominee-gorsuch-lifted-earlier-works-scholarly-papers-report/)?

  2. Re Duke: [Carin] also acknowledged pushback on some new requirements, including an online training module on research misconduct required of faculty members. Political Science professor Michael Gillespie called these trainings “demeaning and insulting,” adding “it’s amazing to me that people think these actually stop fraud.”

    Gillespie is partly correct, but ethics training has another valid purpose: people who are caught cheating can more easily be fired. Hard to claim “I didn’t know” when you signed a form saying you did know.

    1. But, in my experience, some who should know better do not know.

      I have given several workshops on publication ethics to various audiences over the years. And, yes, sometimes it feels that I am covering very basic, common sense information that any US college graduate should know (but too many don’t or elect to ignore!). However, one of the outcomes that has continued to baffle me is that, almost without exception, each presentation tends to be followed by at least one question from the audience (i.e., faculty) that suggests ignorance of common-place rules of scholarship, including basic issues related to ownership of ideas, proper citation and attribution, paraphrasing, etc. And BTW, those questions don’t always come from those for whom English is not their primary language!

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