Happy sixth anniversary, Retraction Watch! Here’s to a new partnership with Science

RW logoAugust 3rd has rolled around again, which means it’s time to celebrate another Retraction Watch anniversary — this time, our sixth.

It’s been an exciting year. Some highlights:

And here’s something new: We are pleased to announce a new partnership with Science, through which we will regularly contribute more in-depth investigations and analyses to their news section. It’s a great opportunity for us to dive deeper into complex stories, investigate larger issues in science integrity, and reach a larger audience. We’ve already got some great stories in the works, so stay tuned.

Your readership, criticism, and tips are anniversary gifts enough, but we would be remiss if we didn’t note that donations to The Center For Scientific Integrity are tax-deductible. Should you feel so moved, we would be deeply grateful for any and all contributions to help us continue our work. Click here to do that.

Thanks, as always, for making this all possible.

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8 thoughts on “Happy sixth anniversary, Retraction Watch! Here’s to a new partnership with Science”

  1. Great work!!! I confer my personal “Most Valuable Organization” award to RW.
    If our taxpayer funding handout agencies offered a fraction of the value we would be lucky.

  2. I hope this will not affect the impartiality of your work. Science has published some of the most retraction-worthy stuff I’ve seen in a major journal. I’m still waiting for them to retract the infamous “arsenic life” paper.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. As we’ve pointed out elsewhere, the Science news team operates independently of the manuscript side.

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