Join our team: Retraction Watch needs a part-time editor

RW logoWe’re so inundated with story ideas and projects, we need some extra help! Specifically, we’re looking for a part-time editor who can be available during specific hours when we need an extra pair of hands.

During that time, you would review tips and write up breaking stories if they arise, as well as edit guest posts and other stories we couldn’t get to during the day. We’re specifically looking for someone who can be available for a fixed block of time, for a total of 12 hours per week.

The specific hours are Monday through Thursday, 2:30-5:30 p.m. eastern. We do not currently have an office, so the editor can be based anywhere, and will be expected to work from home. Our co-founders are based in New York, so proximity to that area is helpful, but not necessary.

Experience writing and editing breaking news and investigative stories is a must, as is a deep understanding of science publishing. You have to be comfortable dropping everything to jump on a story. There may even be the potential to contribute to bigger projects such as the feature we wrote for Nature on fake peer reviews.

Interested? Send a cover letter, resume, and clips to oransi01 [at] (the second “0” is a zero), with “RW part-time editor” as a subject line.

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