The Big (Retraction) Short: Securitized loans paper may get change of venue

J financeA paper on the securitized loan industry’s pricing practices was pulled from the Journal of Finance, but may be appearing in another journal.

The Journal of Finance issued a notice of withdrawal, for “Who Facilitated Misreporting in Securitized Loans?” by John M. Griffin and Gonzalo Maturana, but does not say why it was taken out.  Griffin’s web site notes that the paper is to be published in the Review of Financial Studies.

Here’s the note, dated Sept. 23:

The above article, originally classified as an Accepted Article on 6 February 2015 in the Wiley Online Library (, ultimately was not published in The Journal of Finance.

The journal is indexed by Thomson Scientific’s Web of Knowledge, but the study does not appear there.

It is not clear whether the authors asked to withdraw the study or the journal itself chose to do so. Editor Kenneth J. Singleton, a professor of management at Stanford University, didn’t answer requests for comment, nor did co-editor Bruno Biais, director of research, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) at the Toulouse School of Economics. Co-editor Michael Roberts, of the University of Pennsylvania, referred questions to Singleton.

Griffin, based at the University of Texas at Austin, did not respond to emails and phone messages; Maturana referred questions to Griffin and Singleton.

The managing editor of the Review of Financial Studies, Jaclyn Einstein, did not say why the paper was withdrawn from the Journal of Finance, nor confirm it would be published in the Review.

Your question regarding why the Journal of Finance did not publish the paper would have to be answered by the Journal of Finance editors. We do not announce whether papers will be published in the Review of Financial Studies until they are ready, at which point they appear on the Advance Access page.

A downloadable version of the paper is available here as a preprint on the Social Science Research Network.

Griffin’s university web page lists some 23 publications dating back to 1998.

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One thought on “The Big (Retraction) Short: Securitized loans paper may get change of venue”

  1. I think your references to a ‘senior author’ are confused—in economics, author order is determined alphabetically, not by seniority (similarly, ‘first author’ does not mean in economics what it means in other disciplines). Only the corresponding author is highlighted.

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