Researcher who broke into lab up to nine retractions

bichaw_v053i036.inddKarel Bezouška, a researcher who broke into a lab refrigerator to tamper with an investigation into his work, has nine retractions.

Here’s the retraction notice in Biochemistry for 2010’s “Cooperation between Subunits Is Essential for High-Affinity Binding of N-Acetyl-d-hexosamines to Dimeric Soluble and Dimeric Cellular Forms of Human CD69:”

We wish to retract this article due to the confirmed scientific misconduct of Karel Bezouška. Based on the results of investigation of a joint ethical committee established by the Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, and the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, we can conclude that experiments describing binding of natural killer cell receptors to carbohydrate ligands were manipulated and/or misinterpreted by K.B. Therefore, all authors agreed on retraction of this paper. We apologize to all affected parties.

The paper has been cited 11 times, according to Thomson Scientific’s Web of Knowledge.

Hat tip: Commenter GB

2 thoughts on “Researcher who broke into lab up to nine retractions”

  1. OK, so the author was partially punished with a retraction. Good, one piece of justice complete. Now, who will clean up the 11 citations? Both author and publisher have the responsibility of contacting the 11 journals that cited this paper and request an immediate erratum. This should be the new standard, independent of the publisher.

    1. I agree with you JATdS that the journals citing retracted papers should publish an erratum. It should go further in that Thompson Reuters should deduct citations to retracted papers when calculating the Impact Factor. Might make the journals more careful if their beloved IF drops.

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