Retractions, medical journalism, and post-publication peer review: Ivan speaks at the Karolinska

This past week, Ivan was in Sweden to speak at the Karolinska Institutet and the Nov2K conference. Here’s video of one of his talks.


Here’s the slideshow:

[slideshare id=28612129&doc=kinov2013-131125142557-phpapp01]

3 thoughts on “Retractions, medical journalism, and post-publication peer review: Ivan speaks at the Karolinska”

  1. A few comments on the presentation:

    1. The presentation appears to imply that there is some incongruity between the fraction of scientists admitting to misconduct (e.g., 2%) and the much larger fraction who say they know of misconduct by a colleague (e.g., 14%). It is as though the speaker believes that the two numbers should be the same if everybody is being honest and sensible. This is obviously not true. The number who would admit to smoking cigarettes would also be lower than the number who admit to knowing of colleagues who smoke cigarettes, and not because of dishonesty or false beliefs. So, what is “amusing” about these findings?

    2. The presentation incorrectly states that the incident that gives us the term “Streisand effect” involved Google Maps. In fact it involved aerial photography that had nothing to do with Google. This is easily checked, and you’ll want to be up on this because RW commenters love to write “Streisand effect”.

    3. FWIW, if you want another opinion about the “self-plagiarism” joke, I thought it was obvious and unfunny.

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