Dubious stem cell researcher Moriguchi notches temporary withdrawal, notice of redundant publication

bmj case reportsHisashi Moriguchi, who retracted two papers last year because he and his colleagues could not “guarantee the accuracy of the results and conclusions,” has now had another paper withdrawn — at least temporarily.

A notice on the paper, “Autologous human cardiac stem cells transplantation for the treatment of ischaemic cardiomyopathy: first study of human-induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell-derived cardiomyocytes transplantation,” which appeared in BMJ Case Reports, now reads:

Temporarily withdrawn while we investigate a complaint.

Another of Moriguchi’s papers in the same journal is now subject to a “Notice of redundant publication:”

BMJ Case Reports wishes to inform its readers of the following redundant publication.

The publication:

Moriguchi H, Madson J. Stable expressions of nine genes within human oocytes and live birth by in vitro fertilisation. BMJ Case Rep Published Online 18 Apr 2013. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2013-008988.

Considerably overlaps with the article:

Moriguchi H, Zhang Y, Mihara M, Sato C. Successful cryopreservation of human ovarian cortex tissues using supercooling. Sci Rep 2012;2:537.

The article in Scientific Reports has been retracted.

Hat tip: Juuichi Jigen

2 thoughts on “Dubious stem cell researcher Moriguchi notches temporary withdrawal, notice of redundant publication”

  1. Why was the original article in Scientific Reports retracted and not the later near-identical article in BMJ Case Reports?

    1. If you are referring to the second part, note that “notice of redundant publication” is the same as a retraction. In fact, the original case report says “retracted due to duplicate publication”.

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