Upcoming Retraction Watch appearances: New York, St. Louis

If you’re a Retraction Watch reader in New York or St. Louis, come see Retraction Watch live. On Thursday, October 20, Ivan will be on a SONYC panel at Rockefeller University [please see update at end]. On the 25th, he’ll give a talk at the Danforth Center in St. Louis.

More info:

10/20: “Getting the Research Record Straight” [please see update at end]

10/25: “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: What Retractions Tell Us About Scientific Transparency

Interested in having one of us on a panel or as a speaker? Contact Ivan at ivan-oransky [at] erols.com. And as long as we’re plugging shamelessly, don’t miss the Retraction Watch Store.

Update, 12:15 p.m. Eastern, 10/18/11: Thursday’s event is being rescheduled, so stay tuned.

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