Brazilian forensic entomologist faces at least three retractions for plagiarism

After being found guilty of plagiarism, a Brazilian forensic entomologist has been forced to retract one paper and several chapters of a textbook, and will have at least one other paper withdrawn. The retraction of one of the papers, “Forensic entomology and main challenges in Brazil,” in Neotropical Entomology, was reported earlier this year by Marcelo … Continue reading Brazilian forensic entomologist faces at least three retractions for plagiarism

University of Sao Paulo fires professor after a retraction for plagiarism

February has turned out to be a bad month for people found guilty of plagiarism. On Friday, we covered the case of the German foreign defense minister who lost his PhD after his university became aware he had copied passages from newspaper stories into his thesis. And now we’ve learned that the University of Sao … Continue reading University of Sao Paulo fires professor after a retraction for plagiarism