Second study of widely touted cancer and HIV “cure” retracted

Last month, we brought you the story of the retraction of a paper by Nobutu Yamamoto and colleagues about “a protein being used — unapproved by health agencies — to treat diseases including cancer and autism.” A second paper by the group, about using the protein to treat HIV, has been retracted. Here’s the notice … Continue reading Second study of widely touted cancer and HIV “cure” retracted

More black marks against unapproved protein touted as miracle cure

A protein which is sold online as a cure for everything from autism to cancer and the focus of multiple retracted papers has earned more black marks: The UK government’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency has issued a warning about its use after discovering problems in the factory, and a journal has removed the … Continue reading More black marks against unapproved protein touted as miracle cure

Yet another study of widely touted cancer “cure” retracted

A third study of GcMAF, a protein being used to treat a variety of conditions from AIDS to autism to cancer, all without the blessing of health agencies, has been retracted. Here’s the notice in Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy for “Immunotherapy of metastatic colorectal cancer with vitamin D-binding protein-derived macrophage-activating factor, GcMAF:”

Paper about widely touted but unapproved “cure” for cancer, autism retracted

A paper about a protein being used — unapproved by health agencies — to treat diseases including cancer and autism has been retracted. Here’s the notice from the International Journal of Cancer about a 2007 paper purporting to show that the substance, GcMAF, is useful against breast cancer: