Diabetes researcher won’t give up court fight to quash expressions of concern

Apparently, you can’t keep Mario Saad down. The researcher, who had 12 figures in a paper corrected this week, was dealt a setback last week when a judge denied his motion to remove expressions of concern on four of his papers in the journal Diabetes, saying that would have amounted to prior restraint — essentially, censorship … Continue reading Diabetes researcher won’t give up court fight to quash expressions of concern

PLoS ONE mega-correction, but no retraction, for researcher who sued diabetes journal

PLoS ONE has just issued a 12-figure correction on a paper by Mario A. Saad, who sued the American Diabetes Association unsuccessfully in an attempt to prevent it from retracting four papers in its flagship journal Diabetes. The corrections include taking out Western blots copied from another Saad paper, as well as several figures where the bands … Continue reading PLoS ONE mega-correction, but no retraction, for researcher who sued diabetes journal

Weekend reads: P values banned, climate skeptic fails to disclose corporate funding, editors behaving badly

This week at Retraction Watch featured a change of heart by a journal, and a look at Nature’s addition of double-blind peer review. Here’s what was happening elsewhere:

Judge denies motion by researcher to quash Diabetes expressions of concern

American Diabetes Association 1, Mario Saad 0. As reported by the National Law Journal, a federal judge in Boston has denied Saad’s requests to stop the ADA’s flagship journal, Diabetes, from publishing expressions of concern about four of Saad’s papers, and to prevent the journal from retracting the studies. Saad filed suit against the ADA on … Continue reading Judge denies motion by researcher to quash Diabetes expressions of concern

Danish high court clears Pedersen in misconduct case

Lawyers one, scientists nil. Danish judges have overruled scientists in that nation, concluding that a panel of experts erred in finding that physiologist Bente Klarlund Pedersen, of the University of Copenhagen, was guilty of misconduct. Last September, Pedersen announced that she would fight the ruling of the Danish Committees on Scientific Dishonesty (DCSD, Danish acronym … Continue reading Danish high court clears Pedersen in misconduct case

Publisher and uni go head to head over disputed images in diabetes papers

The State University of Campinas University of Campinas and the American Diabetes Association disagree strongly over how to handle disputed images from faculty member Mario Saad, who is suing the ADA to prevent retraction of his papers. While the State University of Campinas University of Campinas (Unicamp) acknowledges that 2 of Saad’s papers contain “mistakes”, … Continue reading Publisher and uni go head to head over disputed images in diabetes papers

RW cited in scientist’s $8 million suit against university

Maybe the polar vortex is to blame (chilling effect, and all), but it must be lawsuit season! First it was Mario Saad, who sued the American Diabetes Association to prevent them from retracting his papers in flagship journal Diabetes. Now Rakesh Kumar is getting in on the action. According to George Washington University student paper the GW Hatchet, … Continue reading RW cited in scientist’s $8 million suit against university

Diabetes researcher sues journal to prevent retractions of papers cited more than 600 times

Mario A. Saad, who last year retracted a paper for plagiarism, is now suing the American Diabetes Association over four expressions of concern in its flagship journal, Diabetes. As reported in the Boston Business Journal, Saad’s lawsuit claims that his institution, the State University of Campinas, investigated two articles at the journal’s behest. The American Diabetes … Continue reading Diabetes researcher sues journal to prevent retractions of papers cited more than 600 times

Researcher who called plagiarism “the worst type of fraud” retracts paper for…plagiarism

As a reporter on the police beat many years ago, one of us (Adam) used to hang out with a press officer whose desk at the station had the following sign: “Uma boca fechado não recolhe nenhum pé.” At least, that’s what it would have been had we been in Rio. In Palmer Park, Maryland, … Continue reading Researcher who called plagiarism “the worst type of fraud” retracts paper for…plagiarism