Weekend reads: Former ORI director speaks out; Is peer review broken?

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch. Here’s what was happening elsewhere on the web in scientific publishing and related issues: Continue reading Weekend reads: Former ORI director speaks out; Is peer review broken?

Weekend reads: Stem cell researchers falsifying data, neuroscience research forgets statistics tests

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch. Here’s some of what was happening elsewhere on the web: Continue reading Weekend reads: Stem cell researchers falsifying data, neuroscience research forgets statistics tests

Weekend reads: Impact factor mania, male scientists citing themselves, insecure careers in academia

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch, which we kicked off by asking for your support. Have you contributed yet? Here’s what was happening elsewhere on the web:
Continue reading Weekend reads: Impact factor mania, male scientists citing themselves, insecure careers in academia

Weekend reads: STAP stem cell controversy grinds on, plagiarism puzzles

booksAnother busy week here at Retraction Watch, with many in the scientific world glued to their browsers for more information on the latest stem cell controversy. Hear Ivan on the BBC discussing what that story means for post-publication peer review. Elsewhere around the web: Continue reading Weekend reads: STAP stem cell controversy grinds on, plagiarism puzzles

Weekend reads: “Too much success” in psychology, why hoaxes aren’t the real problem in science

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch. Here’s what was happening elsewhere around the web in science publishing and research integrity news: Continue reading Weekend reads: “Too much success” in psychology, why hoaxes aren’t the real problem in science

Weekend reads: How much can one scientist publish? And more stem cell misconduct

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch, including a ScienceOnline 2014 session Ivan facilitated on post-publication peer review. Here’s a selection of what was happening elsewhere on the web: Continue reading Weekend reads: How much can one scientist publish? And more stem cell misconduct

Weekend reads: A psychology researcher’s confession, a state senator’s plagiarism

booksYet another busy week at Retraction Watch, with one of us taking part in a symposium on the future of science journalism for a few days. (See if you can find Ivan in this picture.) Here’s what was happening elsewhere on the web in science publishing and related issues: Continue reading Weekend reads: A psychology researcher’s confession, a state senator’s plagiarism

Weekend reads: MIT professor accused of fraud, biologist who retracted paper suspended, and more

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch, featuring lots of snow at HQ and a trip to take part in a conference in Davis, California. Here’s what was happening elsewhere on the web: Continue reading Weekend reads: MIT professor accused of fraud, biologist who retracted paper suspended, and more

Weekend reads: Seralini GMO-rat study retraction aftershocks; NEJM investigates conflicts of interest

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch. Here’s a sampling of items about scientific publishing, research misconduct, and related issues from around the web:
Continue reading Weekend reads: Seralini GMO-rat study retraction aftershocks; NEJM investigates conflicts of interest

Weekend reads: One researcher resents “cyberbullying” while another wishes peer reviewers would spank him

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch. Here’s what was going on around the web in scientific publishing and related issues: