Chemist who cooked data claims PhD years after it was revoked

By the time Shiladitya Sen was officially declared guilty of research misconduct in 2018 by U.S. federal officials, The Ohio State University had long since stripped him of his doctorate in chemistry.  Years later, however, Sen is still billing himself as a PhD in the signature of his work email at a company that provides … Continue reading Chemist who cooked data claims PhD years after it was revoked

Two years after student loses PhD, ORI concludes he committed misconduct

The U.S. Office of Research Integrity (ORI) announced today that a former graduate student committed research misconduct — nearly two years after his institution stripped him of his degree. The ORI concluded that Shiladitya Sen committed misconduct in a PNAS paper (retracted six months ago), his PhD thesis, a poster presentation, and two grant applications … Continue reading Two years after student loses PhD, ORI concludes he committed misconduct

PNAS retracts paper linked to ex-Ohio State researcher who had chemistry PhD revoked

Researchers from The Ohio State University and The Scripps Research Institute are retracting a 2013 paper in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences after they uncovered data irregularities. The retraction notice for “Somatic hypermutation maintains antibody thermodynamic stability during affinity maturation,” will appear online on Sept. 5. The paper purported to find clues about … Continue reading PNAS retracts paper linked to ex-Ohio State researcher who had chemistry PhD revoked