Weekend reads: “Weaponized transparency;” fighting academic spam with humor; NIH cracks down

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The week at Retraction Watch featured a major case of misconduct at The Ohio State University, the retraction of a much-criticized paper claiming to show “off-target” mutations when using CRISPR, and how fallout from a stem cell scandal ensnared a Nobel Prize winner. Here’s what was happening elsewhere:

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One thought on “Weekend reads: “Weaponized transparency;” fighting academic spam with humor; NIH cracks down”

  1. The report that human trials of a stem cell tracheal scaffolding technique have received extensive ethical approval and funding must be an April Fools prank. Animal studies by the same group are suspect, and Macchiarini almost single handedly destroyed the reputation of the Karolinska Institutet with previous clinical “experiments.” Or maybe the whole scenario is a cruel script submitted to Monty Python’s Flying Circus.

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