Want to keep up with Retraction Watch but get fewer emails? Try our new daily newsletter

RW logoWe’ve heard from a number of readers that our current volume of posts — three per day most weekdays, and sometimes four — makes an email per post a lot to wade through. We listened, and now you have another option.

For readers who like their retraction news in a digestible form, starting tomorrow morning, we will begin offering the option of a daily newsletter. Here’s a sample. Click here to subscribe.

Every morning, you’ll get links to everything we’ve covered in the last 24 hours, along with a few stories from around the web, much as you might find in Weekend Reads.

If you still want an email every time we post, don’t worry; that option isn’t going anywhere.

See you in your inbox.

Like Retraction Watch? Consider making a tax-deductible contribution to support our growth. You can also follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, add us to your RSS reader, sign up on our homepage for an email every time there’s a new post, or subscribe to our new daily digest. Click here to review our Comments Policy.

5 thoughts on “Want to keep up with Retraction Watch but get fewer emails? Try our new daily newsletter”

  1. Thank you–this change earns you not only my gratitude, but a monetary donation to the site as well. One question–by signing up for the daily newsletter, will I automatically stop receiving the multiple daily posts? Or do I have to unsubscribe from those specifically? Thank you, and thank you!

    1. Thank you for your support! The daily newsletter and the individual emails per story are each run by a different service. If you’d like to stop the individual emails per story once you get the daily newsletter, each individual email has the option to “unsubscribe” from that service.

  2. For my purposes, it would be great if you could flag items that are not about specific retractions/corrections/etc., as opposed to your posts like the guest posts on whistle blowing, research on plagiarism etc., and so forth – these are the ones that I’m most interested.

    By “flagging,” all I mean something like organizing your daily newsletter by topic or kind; basically, with the single-topic e-mails, I can quickly tell which ones I want to read just by glancing at the subject field, and I’d like to retain that convenience.

    Thanks again for your valuable service. Your success gives me hope for science.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, Ken, and for the kind words! We’ll consider this, although it may be challenging since the daily newsletter will include all of the items from the previous 24 hours, as noted in this post, so subject lines will reflect that. If you would like that kind of granular subject line, you may want to stick with our per-post emails.

  3. Is a little advertisement allowed? We are a non-profit organisation and we developed an open aggregator of science news and blogs. The aggregator collects content from different institutes and universities. Retraction Watch is also featured, as are a couple of most popular scientific journals and other blogs which sometimes deliver content similar to RW (For Better Science by Leonid Schneider). Those who register can choose which sources to follow and only those articles will be shown to them in their private “stream” of content. In case you don’t visit the site regularly, emails are sent 2x per week reminding you of content you haven’t seen.
    Once again, this is a non-profit project and we hope it can help people stay informed, while keeping the mailboxes clean.
    It can be visited at scimplified.com

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