Weekend reads: Papers de-emphasized for funding; reproducibility revolution; reining in fraud in China

booksThe week at Retraction Watch featured a particularly misleading retraction notice, and a university stripping a graduate of her PhD for misconduct. Here’s what was happening elsewhere:

Retractions And Corrections Outside Of Scientific Journals

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4 thoughts on “Weekend reads: Papers de-emphasized for funding; reproducibility revolution; reining in fraud in China”

  1. Regarding the article by Stephen Cowley in Frontiers in Psychology: Can someone translate his abstract into English?

    1. Hmm… If you disregard all the buzzwords, it seems he’s just saying that referees have an influence on the final version of a paper. Quite a discovery, really.

    2. Click on the author’s name above that abstract, and you will find a link back to the same paper (recursiveness!) and another link to one other paper. Click on the latter link and you will read an abstract that will make all clear. In brief, the “agent-environment dynamics” of language “arise as linguistic embodiment is managed under verbal constraints. As a result, co-action grants human agents the ability to use a unique form of phenomenal experience.”

      See how it works?

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