Weekend reads: Elsevier mutiny; babies as co-authors; what to do after rejection

booksThis week’s Weekend Reads, which appears below, was preempted yesterday by the news that the Office of Research Integrity had issued a finding of misconduct in the long-running case of Anil Potti. The week also featured news about a child psychiatry trial halted for unexplained reasons, and saw the launch of our new weekly column at STAT, a new life sciences site from Boston Globe Media. Here’s what was happening elsewhere:

Retractions outside of science

  • “The retraction of an article calling for the impeachment of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) on an independent online platform has caused other columnists to withdraw their articles in protest and stirred up debate over media censorship.” (Alison Hsiao, Taipei Times)
  • “We now accept that the shirt was not stolen or taken, but was rather thrown by Smith into the stands.” HITC retracts a story about an alleged football match incident.

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One thought on “Weekend reads: Elsevier mutiny; babies as co-authors; what to do after rejection”

  1. Hey Retraction Watch, you need to tighten up a bit. The Weekend Read header “ ‘How does peer review shape science?’ A new paper from Justin Esarey” implies this is a PUBLISHED paper. Rather, the manuscript (about computer simulations of peer review) is in a SciGen-style pre-print generic format and gives no indication of journal acceptance. The link given is to the author’s institutional repository, which in effect gives it the status of a blog posting. Blog postings can be very informative (cf. Retraction Watch), but should not be conflated with peer reviewed material.

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