Weekend reads: Academic article brokering; favorite fieldwork bloopers; worst peer review ever

booksThis week, we marked the fifth anniversary of Retraction Watch with the announcement of a generous new grant. We also covered the retraction of a slew of papers in a journal plagued by problems. Here’s what was happening elsewhere:

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6 thoughts on “Weekend reads: Academic article brokering; favorite fieldwork bloopers; worst peer review ever”

  1. You are mentioned in the University of Illinois Chancellor Phyllis Wise email dump (https://www.uillinois.edu/common/pages/DisplayFile.aspx?itemId=278006) this past week as a “minor blog” (so says Associate Chancellor for Public Affairs Robin Kaler) in reference to your post on Wise (http://retractionwatch.com/2014/10/09/u-illinois-chancellor-earns-mega-correction-for-duplicate-publication/) and her “mega-correction.” You must have hit a nerve! Keep it up, please.

  2. The recollection of thoughts about the current peer review system offered by the THE is entertaining. As stated by Jim Woodgett:
    “Ask a scientist whether they have ever received a terrible review of their submitted work, then stand back and prepare for a deluge of anecdotes.”

    My contribution to the deluge:

    We submitted in 2010 a manuscript including non-revolutionary results to a rather low-IF journal (J. Chem. Crystallogr., Springer). Nothing happened for a while. About 7 months after submission, I received a positive, but strangely short review. Reviewer 1: five lines. Reviewer 2: one line. Within a month of receiving these reviews, one third of the results included in our manuscript (actually the most relevant X-ray structure) were published in another journal (J. Mol. Struct., Elsevier) by another team.

    1. I had a reviewer tells us that our research was irrelevant, because the FDA had not approved any water-in-oil protein-containing emulsions for parenteral use. Fortunately the Editor also thought the reviewer had perhaps been a bit harsh. Unfortunately, he decided to add two additional reviewers to the three original reviewers. I don’t think I ever was involved in a paper with such a long rebuttal.

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