PubPeer Selections: PubPeer comments prompt investigation; Memory of water returns?

pubpeerHere’s another installment of PubPeer Selections:

3 thoughts on “PubPeer Selections: PubPeer comments prompt investigation; Memory of water returns?”

  1. Oh dear, Gerry Melino, the author of the PNAS paper under discussion (and several other, as found by PubPeer users) is not only a renowned cancer scientist, but also “Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Cell Death and Differentiation”. What are we to think if the numerous allegations on PubPeer are correct?

  2. The “extraordinary claims” are apparently supported by a low-resolution screenshot from microsoft XP… I also loved the very informative schematic figure (coil-tube-amplifier-computer), it was definitely needed to understand how the experimental “setup” works.

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