Weekend reads: ‘Why Scientific Fraud is Suddenly Everywhere’; ‘misconduct, intimidation, alcohol abuse and theft’; ‘grimpact’

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The week at Retraction Watch featured:

Our list of retracted or withdrawn COVID-19 papers is up past 400. There are nearly 49,000 retractions in The Retraction Watch Database — which is now part of Crossref. The Retraction Watch Hijacked Journal Checker now contains more than 250 titles. And have you seen our leaderboard of authors with the most retractions lately — or our list of top 10 most highly cited retracted papers? What about The Retraction Watch Mass Resignations List — or our list of nearly 100 papers with evidence they were written by ChatGPT?

Here’s what was happening elsewhere (some of these items may be paywalled, metered access, or require free registration to read):

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5 thoughts on “Weekend reads: ‘Why Scientific Fraud is Suddenly Everywhere’; ‘misconduct, intimidation, alcohol abuse and theft’; ‘grimpact’”

    1. It’s also far easier to spot than you might think – which has me more than a little worried about declining training/education standards since the 1970s – if you care to recall that ridiculous Zimbardo prison “experiment”. The first question any ‘normal’ person would ask is “How exactly does this work?” Secondly, “If it’s too good to be true, it probably isn’t”. How could Cold Fusion ever be taken seriously? How did Wakefield ever get published at all – just to mention two prominent – and expensive – examples.
      NB On several occasions I tried (and failed) to replicate a very famaus experiment, published in 1966 (in Science, no less). Later on I found a comment by an old honcho who said “He had always been a bit of a perfectionist”, Geddit? But, alas, as Max Plack once remarked, science advances one funeral at the time. Be patient.

      1. We need a well-funded, powerful and very strict global science police that can easily punish or even eliminate easy going journals. COPE and ICMJE are nothing but a useless scarecrow. So are Web of Science, Scopus, Pubmed, and all others. Publishers and journals are the worst.

      2. We need harsher laws, at least for misconduct in medical / health sciences. Authors who fabricate medical research data and journal editors who try their best to sweep the stuff under the rug to keep a good name… these people indirectly contribute to KILLING or crippling thousands or millions of people. Medical science misconduct should be criminalized and punished by significant jail time.

  1. Fraud is everywhere and governments inability or unwillingness to address the issue will ultimately slow progress and kill trust in institutions.

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