Weekend reads: ‘The Damage Campaign;’ timber industry retracts comments, apologizes; COVID-19 vaccine study conflicts disclosure

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The week at Retraction Watch featured:

Our list of retracted or withdrawn COVID-19 papers is up to 121.

Here’s what was happening elsewhere (some of these items may be paywalled, metered access, or require free registration to read):

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One thought on “Weekend reads: ‘The Damage Campaign;’ timber industry retracts comments, apologizes; COVID-19 vaccine study conflicts disclosure”

  1. RE the Disability Studies Reader: Why is something called a “textbook” at all if it is simply a compilation of other writings? Why not just compile a “recommended reading” list?
    The editor of that thing lost all credibility in my eyes anyway when he came to my university and started self-righteously defending Anna Stubblefield and facilitated communication.

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