Paper blaming COVID-19 on 5G technology withdrawn

via Pixabay

A paper which argued that 5G cellphone technology could lead to infection with the novel coronavirus has been retracted, but not before scientific sleuth Elisabeth Bik wondered whether it was the “worst paper of 2020.”

The article, “5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells,” came from a group from Italy, the United States and Russia, and appeared in the Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents. The journal is published by Biolife, which asserts that it’s peer reviewed but has not responded to a request for comment. [Please see an update on this post.]

The abstract is now marked “WITHDRAWN” on PubMed and the paper has disappeared from the journal’s website. The abstract has been preserved here. According to the authors: 

In this research, we show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells.

The authors of the paper clearly have a problem with 5G — but also with math. They write: 

In another study, it was argued that 5G technologies cause great harm to human health. Cancer is only one of the many problems. 5G causes 720! (factorial) different diseases in human beings, and can kill everything that lives except some forms of microorganisms. 

But as James Heathers noted on Twitter, 720 factorial is a rather large number. How large?

That makes 26 papers about COVID-19 that have been retracted.

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37 thoughts on “Paper blaming COVID-19 on 5G technology withdrawn”

  1. The first author has other interesting published articles that are worth reading for inspiration to future sci-fie writers. Anyway, besides the creative value , most of those articles should be retracted.

  2. I’ve been reading this blog for over 3 years and this is without a doubt the most nonsensical thing I’ve ever seen on PubMed.

  3. Similar cries have been made on scientists in the past when they reported the first time on new issues that have been shown to be of high importance later…
    Wait till the 5G be generalized and there would be another discourse on its harms. Otherwise, why the UVs and some other lights and wavelengths are harmful?

    1. Because of the high energy associated with their wavelengths? At least for UV that should be obvious.
      But also, please keep in mind that in most countries, the current frequencies that are used are in the 3.7 GHz band, the higher frequencies above 20 GHz in the K band are not even alocated in most coutnries which are currently affected by the corona virus.
      And in case you are not aware, WiFi works at 2.5 and 5 Ghz, so actually has higher frequencies than we care currently using for 5G in most countries.

      So, scientifically, I see absolutly no reason why there should be any link between the two.

      1. re: ” And in case you are not aware, WiFi works at 2.5 and 5 Ghz ”

        Good point. Also, a good way to look at so-called “5G” tech is to understand that those “WiFi” type routers are now simply going to be mounted *outside* the home on a nearby phone pole and operated by the local wireless companies. No more need to run a WiFi router in your home with a “WiFi extender” down the hall because you have the main WiFi router box shoved into a convenient little almost-hidden cubby-hole that doesn’t allow RF energy to be radiated (see that verb there?) effectively throughout the home or on the property.

        1. Jim & AKK, you do understand that 5GHz WiFi and 5G cellular technology are not the same, right? True 5G cellular is mmWave and in the frequency band range of roughly 24GHz to 71GHz for the US. Mid and low band 5G cellular is basically repurposing 4G frequencies… It is plausible that these higher frequencies will be harmful..

    2. re: “Similar cries have been made on scientists in the past when they reported the first time on new issues that have been shown to be of high importance later…”

      Yup. Its happened before, but … gee, when was the last time you heard of someone getting ‘nuked’ by their own microwave oven? A man named Paul Brodeur wrote a book titled “The Zapping of America: microwaves, their deadly risk, and the coverup” back in 1977.

      Do you think there might STILL be an issue with microwave ovens, given the extensive use over the last … fifty years or so? BTW, the large bulk of domestic microwave ovens in the US work at 2.4 GHz, in the *same* ISM band that WiFi wireless access points and routers use.

  4. the paper itself said only waves with wavelengths 4mm. the paper itself says 5G couldn’t cause the totally bat sh*t crazy claims it made.

  5. the paper itself said only waves with wavelengths less than 1mm could do this. 5g mmW is only operating between approximately 30 and 70 ghz. thats greater than 4mm. the paper itself says 5G couldn’t cause the totally bat sh*t crazy claims it made.

    1. Of course it is an antenna. You’re gonna make a novel about every single simple fact about nature?

  6. This article got my attention several days ago when a young mother posted a link on a community school group’s FB page. Since I am the self-proclaimed slayer of false science claims, I clicked and read it. She was passionate about its accuracy because “it was on PubMed.” I politely schooled her a bit on its inaccuracies and ludicrousness of it, stating that it would be retracted soon enough.

  7. Wait a second. I must have missed it, but where are the study’s showing that 5g does not cause carona virus? It just says withdrawn These scientists went out of their way to perform a study to prove it does cause harmful reactions, so where are the study’s that disprove the harm from 5g? Again, it just says withdrawn, but for what reason. I know the powers that be are going to push 5g on us no mater what, is this just their way of covering up the truth?

    1. Your breath cause AIDS, must be true because there are no studies to disapprove it.
      Please use grammarly, because clearly you have a problem in spelling and grammar.

    2. Very good point. Not only that, but why slam the study with such an intense passion and then give absolutely no reasoning or counter studies that show otherwise. Usually when there’s an over reaction like this it’s because there’s something to hide. Couple this with the active censorship and banning of any information related to the 5G Covid link. This is a global take over. I don’t know about you but before the so called outbreak, I did not live in a world where internet censorship was acceptable. Those of you who now debunk the 5G connection, are only doing so because you yourselves are part of the NWO takeover agenda. You’re weak and pathetic and all that you really want, all that you are capable of is to bow down and request of your masters to be plugged back into the matrix like the cowards you are. A war is coming and we will win this war. For your comforts and your reality will soon be stripped from you and you will stand naked and ashamed with nowhere left to turn except to remain shackled by your masters in total obedience.

      1. “A war is coming”? “And we will win this war”? What war? And who do you mean we, Anthony? Inquiring minds want to know.

    3. Author information

      1 Department of Nuclear, Sub-nuclear and Radiation Physics, G. Marconi University, Rome, Italy.
      2 Central Michigan Saginaw, Michigan, USA.
      3 Department of Dermatology and Venereology, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia.

      In this research, we show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells. DNA is built from charged electrons and atoms and has an inductor-like structure. This structure could be divided into linear, toroid and round inductors. Inductors interact with external electromagnetic waves, move and produce some extra waves within the cells. The shapes of these waves are similar to shapes of hexagonal and pentagonal bases of their DNA source. These waves produce some holes in liquids within the nucleus. To fill these holes, some extra hexagonal and pentagonal bases are produced. These bases could join to each other and form virus-like structures such as Coronavirus. To produce these viruses within a cell, it is necessary that the wavelength of external waves be shorter than the size of the cell. Thus 5G millimeter waves could be good candidates for applying in constructing virus-like structures such as Coronaviruses (COVID-19) within cells.
      Copyright 2020 Biolife Sas.

      1. re: “Abstract
        In this research, we show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed … ”

        Anybody else catch the weasel word “could” in the abstract posted above by Mr g?

        I ‘could’ win the big lotto tomorrow, too, conditional on IF I bought the right ticket … but I don’t play the lotto so it’s a certainty I won’t win …

    4. Thank you! Took long enough to see someone with the capacity for independent, critical thinking to show up!
      The simple fact that 5G causes the electrons of oxygen molecules to spin, preventing hemoglobin from binding to it and oxygenating organs and cells should be a cause for concern, let alone everything else this paper actually tells us about. We should all know by now that our government doesn’t care about our health or well being, and in fact, quite the opposite is true. Follow the money.
      Stupid is as stupid does?

      1. Can you point me to scientific experiments that show that 5G radiation causes the electrons of oxygen molecules to spin, and thereby prevents oxygen to bind to hemoglobin?

        After that, perhaps you can then point me to the scientific experiments that show 5G radiation can penetrate deeply enough through the skin to reach the bloodstream?

      2. re: “The simple fact that 5G causes the electrons of oxygen molecules to spin”

        What is this “5G” you refer to, Nancy? Did you mean to write “5 GHz” perchance?

        Know, then that “5G” =/= “5GHz”. In English: Know then that “five gee” does not equal, or equate to, “five GigaHertz”. The first one refers to a telecom wireless “standard” or generation (following the “4G” standard), and the 2nd refers to a frequency of 5 x 10^9 cycles per second.

        And about “electron spin”, I’m not finding too much about ‘spin’ as it pertains to Oxygen in “The Chemical Elements and Their Compounds, Volume II”:

        but of course Hydrogen electrons are a different story “… Volume I”:

  8. Many thoughtful, intelligent people are concerned about the possible health effects of 5G radiation. Some few of those persons have said that adverse reactions to 5G radiation may mimic Covid symptoms.

    I know of none (except the authors of the current, retracted article) who have said that 5G causes Covid. The falsification (or retraction) of that claim does not speak to the other concern.

    1. re: ” adverse reactions to 5G radiation ”

      YOU KNOW its not “radiation”, per se (such as Alpha, Beta or Gamma particles) right? It is not the product of nuclear particle decay, but rather it is EM (electro-magnetic) energy, energy much like, well, “the warming rays of the sun” or the nice warmth sent out by a roaring fire in the fireplace.

      One form of the word “radiation” can be used as a verb, WHICH is how we RF (radio/wireless) engineers describe how EM energy propagates from an antenna – as in “antennas radiate EM/RF energy!” But we don’t describe what comes ‘off’ the antenna as “radiation”, we call it “RF energy”. Radio Frequency energy.

      1. As a footnote: populations (animals, people) radiate as well. Anything that expands from a center radiates (fans out).

        “In evolutionary biology, adaptive radiation is a process in which organisms diversify rapidly from an ancestral species into a multitude of new forms.” – Wikipedia

        (And now someone’s going to point out that the coronavirus variants are caused by adaptive radiation. Off to the races.)

  9. This paper demonstrates a problem with our current way of handling retractions. The paper hasn’t only been retracted, it seems to have completely disappeared. This is fueling conspiracy theories about suppression, which unfortunately is enhancing its credibility for some. It would be far better if the publication process required authors to assign a licence that would be irrevocable once published and permit and require the journal to leave a copy available, with the watermark “withdrawn”. That way people would have access to determine exactly how credible it was. In this case, the abstract (which is still available) gives a fair indication. But it still would be far better if the whole paper was hung out there to dry. As supporters of the US first amendment say, the best remedy for bad speech is more speech. This is particularly apposite in the scientific context. Suppression is, essentially by definition, _always_ anti-scientific.

    1. “This paper demonstrates a problem with our current way of handling retractions.”

      Surely it only demonstrates a problem with one garbage journal’s way of handling retractions.

  10. The original article says “720 (factorial)” and not 720! (factorial) as stated here above. The authors could have meant something else then a mathematical formula, in fact that is very likely.

    1. “ The original article says “720 (factorial)” and not 720! (factorial) as stated here above. The authors could have meant something else then a mathematical formula, in fact that is very likely. ”

      NOT trustworthy with small things (the point in question) but TRUSTWORTHY with large things (the entirety of the paper)? Retract the paper; the authors appear inept from the get-go.

      1. It is misquoted. In the original article, they cite, “Wireless Technologies (4G, 5G) Are Very Harmful to Human Health and Environment: A Preliminary Review” you will find the “720! (factorial)”.

        So, yeah – they didn’t made it up, but they meant it.

    2. The simple answer to what the authors meant is that they didn’t mean anything. They simply plagiarised that ludicrous claim from a different pair of cranks, without caring about its information content or lack thereof:
      “there will be more than 720! (factorial) types of new diseases which may arise, if the 5G network is massively implemented – and the present covid-19 pandemic may be just the beginning”

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