Weekend reads: How to squander a $10 million grant; paid to publish; funding lotteries

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The week at Retraction Watch featured:

Here’s what was happening elsewhere:

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2 thoughts on “Weekend reads: How to squander a $10 million grant; paid to publish; funding lotteries”

  1. “Do Top Economics Journals Hold Female-Authored Papers to Higher Standards?”
    When women are cited less then men is is proof of a bias against women, or an outright conspiracy. When women are cited more than men it is proof of … a bias against women, or an outright conspiracy.
    Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

  2. What is up with that James G. Martin center site and the article linked here (retractions up 900%)?

    Reading through it the worst of the worst in science is cited by this guy and while I do believe most of it, has anyone checked who the author is?
    It says in his bio he is Chief Scientific Officer of EvolvingFX but if you look that up all you get is his name again and some very questionable research papers on how sugar is not responsible for obesity and diabetes. Can this article be trusted?

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