Journal retracts paper claiming a link between the HPV vaccine and lower pregnancy rates

A paper on the human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) that was called a “very flawed and biased study with the potential of being misinterpreted or misused” has been retracted.

The paper was originally published in June 2018, and instantly garnered criticism. “All of the post-publication reports we received described serious flaws in the statistical analysis and interpretation of the data in this paper, and we have therefore taken the decision to retract it,” according to the notice.

Our Ivan Oransky has details over at Medscape.

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2 thoughts on “Journal retracts paper claiming a link between the HPV vaccine and lower pregnancy rates”

  1. I just downloaded the paper from the Taylor & Francis site. Neither the PDF nor the html versions are marked as retracted. The pubpeer discussion is interesting; so is the letter to the editor by Shibata and Kataoka rebutting de Long’s conclusions, in a different T&F journal.

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