Journal temporarily withdraws eight papers after publisher mistake

Publishers love their embargoes, whether they’re of papers that aren’t open access yet, or are available to the media before they’re published. Apparently, however, they also break embargoes, just like the journalists they sometimes sanction for the same sin.

Take Oxford University Press, which publishes the journal Physical Therapy for the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). Late last month, the journal temporarily withdrew eight papers because, well, the publisher broke the journal’s embargo. Jan Reynolds, the APTA’s managing editor for the journal and director of scientific communications, explained to Retraction Watch that

These articles have not been retracted. They are part of a special issue. In error, against embargo instructions, Oxford University Press’s typesetter posted these articles online, and we made a decision to temporarily withdraw them until all of the special issue articles are ready to be released together. We are currently reconsidering this decision, as it has caused confusion.

Here are the eight articles:

All of them include this retraction notice:

This article has been temporarily withdrawn due to a broken embargo. It will be published in full and without modification in the near future, along with the rest of the content for a themed issue on pediatric rehabilitation. The journal’s typesetter, working on behalf of the publisher, regrets this error.

Publishers are not, of course, immune from error.

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