Deputy director of U.S. gov’t watchdog leaves to run another gov’t office

The second-in-command at the U.S. Office of Research Integrity (ORI), which oversees investigations into scientific misconduct, will be leaving the agency.

Scott Moore has been at ORI since 2016. He had previously been at the National Science Foundation’s Office of Inspector General, where he was an investigative scientist for 13 years. He was appointed by former director Kathy Partin, who after a tumultuous two years left the ORI in November 2017, and is now the intramural research integrity officer at NIH.

Moore was named acting deputy director of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health’s (OASH) Office of Grants Management in July, serving in both that role and as ORI deputy director since then. According to a memo from Assistant Secretary for Health Brett P. Giroir that was circulated at that time:

Scott has deep experience in federal grants policy, including grants management and compliance.

An spokesperson for the Department of Health and Human Services told Retraction Watch:

Scott Moore has done an outstanding job as Acting Deputy Director of the Office of Grants Management, a job he has held, in addition to his role as Deputy Director of the Office of Research Integrity, for the past seven months. OASH leadership is very grateful that Scott has accepted its offer to become the new Director of the Office of Grants Management.

A January 31 announcement about Moore’s move notes that he

…holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from Emory University, where as a bioinorganic chemist, his research involved organometallic synthesis and NMR spectroscopy method development. He earned a J.D./MSEL dual degree from Vermont Law School and holds the Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) credential.

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