Weekend reads: The fall of a Crossfit science watchdog; a CDC retraction about suicides; “superb subterfuge” by predatory journals

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The week at Retraction Watch featured a critic with more than two dozen retractions; why twenty journals were punished; and why 35,000 papers may be eligible for retraction. Here’s what was happening elsewhere:

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One thought on “Weekend reads: The fall of a Crossfit science watchdog; a CDC retraction about suicides; “superb subterfuge” by predatory journals”

  1. I earned a Master of Science in this field in the early 1980s and have had to watch as the Ignorati try to dispute real science for personal profit.
    I have seen the gradual decrease in the knowledge of science in the US for decades now, being replaced by religion, politics or other emotional tricks.
    Conservatives have created a world of lies, tricks and emotional goading, from Trickle-down to SDI to “WMD!”, and they leave their Republican National Debt for the Decent Folk to carry.
    How many here have even read the report they despise?
    It is here: http://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/wg1/
    Go and read it and be embarrassed for your ignorance.

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