Weekend reads: 20th anniversary of a fraud; uses and misuses of doubt; how common is scooping?

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The week at Retraction Watch featured the story of how two highly cited papers turned out to be wrong; a big prize for a researcher who has been dogged by allegations; and a mass resignation at a journal. Here’s what was happening elsewhere:

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One thought on “Weekend reads: 20th anniversary of a fraud; uses and misuses of doubt; how common is scooping?”

  1. About the “Top figures in science, led by Marcia McNutt, “recommend that journals adopt common and transparent standards for authorship.” (PNAS)” item.

    I like to read about transparency and authorship standards in science. So a few remarks about this paper (PPPR style):

    1. It is a PNAS direct contribution by the president of the NAS and the then editor-in-chief of PNAS. I am not sure if this old-fashioned publication track will disappear soon, but if not then I suggest that CRediT includes a new standard tag for such conflicted authors.

    2. I appreciate the opinion of Emilie Marcus about transparency and standards for authors. I would recommend her to update her ORCID profile, which currently does not contain any information (besides her ORCID id). I would also be delighted to know her opinion about the transparency and standards for editors (in particular those editors in charge when allegations of frauds are made).

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