We know there are a lot of causes that matter to you, but since you’re reading this, we may be one of them. So we’d like to ask for your support.
On this Giving Tuesday, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to The Center For Scientific Integrity, the 501(c)3 parent organization of Retraction Watch. Any amount helps. Your donation will help us shine a spotlight on scientific misconduct, and hold accountable the entities that profit from publishing, including journals, institutions, and individuals.
Here’s what your donations will continue to help make possible:
- Our new database of retractions — up to more than 16,000 entries and counting
- Our daily stories (we’ve published more than 4,000 posts)
- Our daily email
All of this costs money to produce, but we are keeping it freely available, as part of our commitment to open access to information, including scientific corrections and retractions.
Of course, if you don’t have the means to support our work financially, we always benefit from story tips, comments that add context and extra information to a post, and other feedback. Together, we can improve the process of self-correction.
We’re grateful to the organizations that have offered (or continue to offer) generous support for our staff and reporting efforts, such as the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, and the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Trust.
For more on how we make use of those grants, other donations, honoraria and freelance writing fees, here is our 2016 tax return. As you can see from our annual budget, all of our efforts cost about $1,000 per day.
There is always more to do — more public records requests to file, more documents to pore over, more investigations to conduct.
Ready to help? Click on over to this Facebook page, where the first $1,000 in donations will be matched by the Gates Foundation, or just use the links below. Thanks!
(And if you’d rather mail a check, scroll down for instructions.)
$25 a year for “doctoral student”-level support
$100 a year for “PI”-level support
(you get a Retraction Watch T-Shirt!)

Want to bundle for your whole lab?
Make a one-time contribution?
Or express your commitment more strongly?
Be our guest:

If you’d prefer to send a check, please make it out to “The Center For Scientific Integrity” and mail to:
121 W. 36th Street
Suite 209
New York, NY 10018
Like Retraction Watch? Consider making a tax-deductible contribution to support our growth. You can also follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, add us to your RSS reader, sign up on our homepage for an email every time there’s a new post, or subscribe to our daily digest. Click here to review our Comments Policy. For a sneak peek at what we’re working on, click here. If you have comments or feedback, you can reach us at [email protected].