Fluid mechanics article retracted with no explanation

JHeatTransf_ak7An article published earlier this year has been retracted from the  Journal of Heat Transfer. But the retraction notice gives no information about what was amiss.

The article is entitled “Neural Network Methodology for Modeling Heat Transfer in Wake Flow,” and the retraction notice, in full, reads:

The above referenced paper is being retracted from the Journal of Heat Transfer.

We are unable to find a copy of the article online, despite the fact that the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) recommends leaving retracted articles available online.

We contacted the manager of journals for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the journal’s publisher (who is listed as the author of the retraction), as well as the journal’s editor, but have received no reply. We also reached out to the first and last authors, located at university engineering departments in Turkey and Bahrain, who we were able to identify in a listing on a Chinese library search engine. We’ll circle back if anyone responds with more information.

The article has not been cited.

Hat tip: Jeffrey Beall

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One thought on “Fluid mechanics article retracted with no explanation”

  1. Jeffrey Beall and I have worked together to retract this article :
    Betul Sarac, Bekir Karlik, Umit Uncu, Teoman Ayhan,
    “Neural Network Methodology for Modeling Heat Transfer in Wake Flow”,
    ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Feb 2015, Vol. 137, pp. 022201-1..10

    I wrote its story here (in Turkish) :
    This retracted article with plagiarized parts COLORED CAN BE SEEN
    at the link attached to the title of the retracted article
    which is given in the beginning of my post :
    5 Haziran (June) 2015

    Dr Tansu KÜÇÜKÖNCÜ –
    “Yapay sinir ağımın sonuçları teoriye mükemmel uydu” diyen makale YAYINDAN ATILDI
    (= Article which says “Results of my artificial neural network
    fit perfectly to the theory” was RETRACTED (in English))

    * http://plagiarism-turkish.blogspot.com/2015/06/dr-tansu-kucukoncu-yapay-sinir-agmn.html

    This retracted article with plagiarized parts COLORED CAN BE SEEN ALSO
    at the link attached to the title of the retracted article
    which is given in the beginning of this post :
    May 27, 2015

    Fluid mechanics article retracted with no explanation – Retraction Watch

    * http://plagiarism-main.blogspot.com/2015/05/fluid-mechanics-article-retracted-with.html

    What is the main reason of retraction of this article ?
    We stated that is very problematic because of “plagiarism” and “self plagiarism”.
    According to the report of plagiarism detection software Turnitin, the ratio of “copy-paste” text in this article is more than 53 % ;
    source of “copy-paste” of more than 20 % of its text and more than 54 % of its figures is this article : Betul Sarac, Hussain Al-Madani, Teoman Ayhan, “Heat transfer from a short plate behind an obstacle in tandem”, Energy Conversion and Management, 2011, 52, pp. 3147–3158 ;
    source of “copy-paste” of more than 11 % of its text is this article : Betul Ayhan Sarac, Bekir Karlık, Tulin Bali, Teoman Ayhan, “Neural network methodology for heat transfer enhancement data”, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 2007, v. 17 no. 8, pp. 788-798) ;
    source of “copy-paste” of more than 11 % of its text is 8 articles.

    We have stated also that “this article violates ‘repeatability’ : its results can not be repeated”. We have wanted to see the data of this article which were not given in it.
    We have stated also that “this article has some contradictions : 1 reason of this is some manipulations during ‘copy-paste’ ”.

    ASME Journal of Heat Transfer did not informed us that this article has been retracted.

    ASME Journal of Heat Transfer did not publish the Retraction Notice in a printed issue.

    The Retraction Notice is almost empty : it does not include even name of its author and names of the authors of the retracted article.
    Everything related to the retracted article were deleted, at first pdf of the retracted article itself.
    Who wrote this retracted article ? : no hint in the website of ASME Journal of Heat Transfer.
    Who wrote this Retraction Notice ? : no hint in the website of ASME Journal of Heat Transfer.
    But according to the info in the researchgate website its author is Colin McAteer :

    Colin McAteer

    Retracted: “Neural Network Methodology for Modeling Heat Transfer in Wake Flow”
    [ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 2015, 137(2), p. 022201 (2015); doi:10.1115/1.4029028]

    Colin McAteer
    Colin McAteer

    Journal of Heat Transfer (Impact Factor: 2.06). 01/2015; DOI: 10.1115/1.4030039

    Why is its author Colin McAteer, instead of 2 editors
    who accepted and published this retracted article ? : unknown.

    Today cv.s and publication lists of the authors of it do not include
    any hint about this retracted article :
    Bekir Karlik’s cv and publication list :
    * http://www.selcuk.edu.tr/muhendislik/bilgisayar/akademik_personel/bilgi/10565/tr

    Betul Ayhan Sarac’s cv and publication list :
    * http://www.fbe.ktu.edu.tr/anabd/ogrgoster.php?kodbas=7030&bolumid=gemi

    Teoman Ayhan’s cv and publication list :
    * http://www.uob.edu.bh/uob__files/341/Teoman-Ayhan.pdf

    Umit Uncu’s cv and publication list :
    * http://www.uob.edu.bh/uob__files/340/UmitUNCU.pdf

    The only thing which is remained which is related to this retracted article is its title.
    It is almost impossible to find the names of its authors.

    Why did ASME Journal of Heat Transfer do all these , instead of following the regular way ?….
    Do you have any idea ?

    According to internet search it seems that this is the only Retraction Notice in ASME Journal of Heat Transfer.

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