Concurrent submission and publication squashes nano paper

CoverIssueJExptNanoSciA group of materials researchers at Solapur University in India have lost a paper because they submitted an identical manuscript to two journals. Both journals published the paper, though only one has retracted it.

Taylor and Francis journal Journal of Experimental Nanoscience retracted the 2012 paper in February this year; the notice doesn’t explain the delay, or how the editors learned about the overlap.

The retraction indicates the editor of the journal that published the other version of the paper was informed of the overlap, but the journal — – Journals of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics — has not issued a retraction.

Here’s the notice for “Development of nanostructured CdS sensor for H2S recognition: structural and physical characterizations”:

We, the editors and publishers of Journal of Experimental Nanoscience, are retracting the following article:

B.T. Raut, P.R. Godse, S.G. Pawar, M.A. Chougule, D.K. Bandgar and V.B. Patil ‘Development of nanostructured CdS sensor for H2S recognition: structural and physical characterizations.’ Journal of Experimental Nanoscience 8(7-8)(2013): 876-889.

We are now cognizant that a substantially similar version of this article was concurrently submitted to, and published in, the Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics.

B.T. Raut, P.R. Godse, S.G. Pawar, M.A. Chougule, V.B. Patil ‘Development of nanostructured CdS sensor for H2S recognition: structural and physical characterization.’ Journals of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 23(4)(2012): 956-963.

This action constitutes a breach of warranties made by the authors with respect to originality. We note that we received, peer-reviewed, accepted, and published the article in good faith based on these warranties, and censure these actions. We are advising the Editor of Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics accordingly.

The retracted article will remain online to maintain the scholarly record, but it will be digitally watermarked on each page as RETRACTED.

The Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics version has been cited 14 times, according to Thomson Scientific’s Web of Knowledge; the Journal of Experimental Nanoscience paper, just once.

We’ve reached out to both Journal of Experimental Nanoscience and Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, as well as the corresponding author, and will update if we hear back.

Hat tip Rolf Degen

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