Dental journal pulls paper for duplicate publication

ccdContemporary Clinical Dentistry has yanked a 2012 article on “full-mouth rehabilitation” after learning that the article had already appeared in two other publications — making the journal, in effect, Contemporaneous Clinical Dentistry.

The article, “Full-mouth rehabilitation of a patient with severe attrition using the Hobo Twin-Stage Procedure,” came from a group at the Dr. R. Ahmed Dental College, in Kolkata, India. It described the following case:

A 54-year-old male reported to the Department of Prosthodontics with a chief complaint of difficulty in chewing food and sensitivity to hot and cold food items [Figures ​[Figures11 and ​and2].2]. The patient gave no significant medical history and did not report any signs of temporomandibular joint disorder or myofascial pain dysfunction. A discrepancy between centric occlusion (CO) and maximum intercuspal position (MIP) was found when he was guided to a centric relation position with the bimanual technique.

Here are said figures:

 Figure 1


Figure 2

But as the retraction notice explains, that same 54-year-old gent cropped up a couple more times.

The article; “Full-mouth rehabilitation of a patient with severe attrition using the Hobo Twin-Stage Procedure” has been published in Journal of Contemporary Clinical Dentistry (Jan-Mar-2012-Vol.3-Issue-1) as well as in International Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry (October-December 2011;1(3):177-181 Issue). Hence the Editorial Team has retracted the article from Contemporary Clinical Dentistry.

The study has yet to be cited, according to Thomson Scientific’s Web of Knowledge.

0 thoughts on “Dental journal pulls paper for duplicate publication”

  1. Nice joke, contemporary – contemporaneous. BTW I am Italian, and in my language there is only one word for both terms..

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