Retraction Watch Database User Guide Appendix D: Changes

Date of ChangeFieldChangeReason
 7/13/2020 Reasonsadd: Transfer of Copyright/Ownership To indicate when a retraction is made solely for a change in copyright or ownership of material. Commonly seen when books/journals change or when copyright reverts back to the authors. Does NOT refer to disputes/violations in ownership or copyright.
 10/2/2020 Reasons Removed “Prior” from Cited Prior Retracted Work; Changed “Cited” to “Cites”Articles are removed when cited works are later retracted. The word “Prior” is thus misleading, and there are not enough to create a new reason. Appendix B updated 2/8/2021
 1/4/2021 Reasons Added new reason: “Duplicate Publication through Error by Journal/Publisher”To differentiate Journal/Publisher-caused dual publication of an article from dual submission of article by the authors. NOTE: Changes are being made in the entries at this time. Will note when completed. NOTE: Completed 1/31/2021; Appendix B updated 2/8/2021.
 2/8/2021 Article Type Changed “Newspaper/Magazine” to “Trade Magazine”More reflective of the nature of publications included in the database. Appendix C updated to reflect change
 2/8/2021 Reasons Updated Appendix B
-Lack of IRB/IACUC Approval
-Withdrawn to Publish in Different Journal
-Transfer of Copyright/Ownership
-Lack Of Balance/Bias Issues
-Lack of IRB/IACUC Approval definition includes a notation for prior to study initiation, or the failure to provide proof of approval
-Withdrawn to Publish in Different Journal: definition added
-Transfer of Copyright/Ownership: definition added
-Lack Of Balance/Bias Issues: Changed to Bias Issues or Lack of Balance for clarity
 2/16/2021 Reasons Added “Rogue Editor”Applies to fraudulent editor (i.e. non-existent or with false credential); applies to those lists as “Guest Editor” as well; Appendix B updated
 2/16/2021  Reasons Added “Paper Mill”For papers believed or known to have been produced by a Paper Mill; Appendix B updated
4/20/2021ReasonsAdded “Original Data not provided”When the original data is not made available for review by editorial staff; Appendix B updated.
6/29/2021ReasonsAdded “Withdrawn (out of date)”For articles retracted as part of the journal’s normal process of keeping guidelines or reviews current. Appendix B updated 6/30/2021
7/27/2021Article TypeAdded “Revision”When the original article is updated and the new version is given its own doi. Not to be confused with “Retract and Replace,” which are generally associated with significant errors in the original article.
10/21/2021ReasonsAdded Randomly Generated ContentWhen an article is has sections of text or data that was created via a randomizing algorithm such as Mathgen or Scigen
2/24/2022Search PageChange in the number of search returnsSearch return limited to 50 entries
2/24/2022Nature of NoticeAddition of notice type: ReinstatementFor cases where the DOI of the original and replacement paper are the same. Avoids the replacement article being tagged as retracted in 3rd-party programs.
1/23/2023Subjectadditionof new subject: (B/T) Data ScienceTo apply to the application of computer science, statistics and/or mathematical sciences to datasets to ascertain their meaning/significance
4/24/2023Reasonsaddition of Concerns/Issues about Human Subject Welfare and Concerns/Issues about Animal Welfareto address concerns as to the ethical treatment of case or study subjects
5/8/2023Reasonsaddition of “EOC Lifted”to be used when an Expression of Concern removed or is no longer considered applicable
6/7/2023Reasons Page on blogsiteTaken from Dissertation/ThesisDefinition added to the “Reasons” blogpage;
6/7/2023ReasonsConcerns/Issues with Peer ReviewFor when Peer Review has not been performed, or questions about how well it has been perfomed is mentioned as part of the retraction.
9/23/2024ReasonsBreach of Policy by Third PartyRemoved
9/23/2024ReasonsConcerns/Issues about ArticleAdded: Any question, controversy or dispute about published content, or undefined sections of it.
9/23/2024ReasonsConcerns/Issues about AuthorshipAmended to Concerns/Issues about Authorship/Affiliation: Any question, controversy or dispute about authorship and/or affiliation, except for false/forged authorship or false/forged affiliation. False/forged authorship or false/forged affiliation are covered under their own reasons.
9/23/2024ReasonsContamination of Materials (General) and Contamination of ReagentsContamination of Reagents removed, and Contamination of Materials has “(General)” removed: Impurities were found or suspected within compounds, reagents or solutions used in experiments.
9/23/2024ReasonsWithdrawalAmended to Removed: The original article is removed from access on the journal’s website or publishing platform.
2/28/2025ReasonsRandomly Generated ContentAmended to Computer-Aided Content or Computer-Generated Content: Contains any content that was created via a text generator, randomizing algorithm, generative AI, etc. Some examples of these tools include Mathgen, Scigen, ChatGPT.
2/28/2025ReasonsAuthor UnresponsiveDefinition changed to: The corresponding author(s) did not respond to journal/publisher requests for response, clarification, etc., about one or more concerns/issues with a publication. RW does not apply this reason when the lack of response is only to the language or posting of a notice of correction/EOC/retraction.
2/28/2025Reasons Bias Issues or Lack of BalanceDefinition changed to: Any question, controversy or dispute about balance or bias in any of the methods, analyses, results or any part of the published content. RW entries using this reason do not state or imply, nor should users infer, any intentionality.
2/28/2025ReasonsBreach of Policy by AuthorDefinition changed to: A journal/publisher/institution states that one or more authors violated one or more of the journal/publisher/institution’s policy(ies). RW will use this reason when no other information about the correction/EOC/retraction is available (i.e., the notice only states that there was a breach of policy), or when the breach of policy (as an additional reason) cannot be addressed by existing reasons.
2/28/2025ReasonsCites Retracted WorkDefinition changed to: Retracted content is used in citations or referencing.
2/28/2025ReasonsCivil ProceedingsDefinition changed to: Civil legal proceedings were instigated in response to the article and/or notice(s), or civil legal proceedings resulted in the correction/EOC/retraction/etc.
2/28/2025ReasonsComplaints about AuthorDefinition changed to: Complaints about one or more authors in addition to concerns about the original article. RW may also use this reason for cases in which something about one or more authors is called into question following any notice, i.e., when complaints escalate to being entirely author-based.
2/28/2025ReasonsComplaints about Company/InstitutionDefinition changed to: Complaints about one or more companies/institutions in addition to concerns about the original article. RW may also use this reason for cases in which something about one or more companies/institutions is called into question following any notice, i.e., when complaints escalate to being entirely company/institution-based.
2/28/2025ReasonsComplaints about Third PartyDefintion changed to: Complaints about one or more third parties in addition to concerns about the original article. RW may also use this reason for cases in which something about one or more third parties is called into question following any notice, ie., when complaints escalate to being entirely third party-based.
2/28/2025ReasonsConcerns/Issues about Animal WelfareDefinition changed to: Any question, controversy or dispute about any non-human test or study subject(s).
2/28/2025ReasonsConcerns/Issues about DataDefinition changed to: Any question, controversy or dispute about any of the data.
2/28/2025ReasonsConcerns/Issues about Human Subject WelfareDefinition changed to:Any question, controversy or dispute about any human test or study subject(s).
2/28/2025ReasonsConcerns/Issues about ImageDefinition changed to: Any question, controversy or dispute about one or more images, or part(s) of one or more images.
2/28/2025ReasonsConcerns/Issues about Referencing/AttributionsDefinition changed to: Any question, controversy or dispute about references, citations, attributions, etc. This could include fabricated/falsified references, reference stacking, citing other work with an EOC or correction, etc.
2/28/2025ReasonsConcerns/Issues about ResultsName changed to: Concerns/Issues about Results and/or Conclusions
2/28/2025ReasonsConcerns/Issues about Third Party InvolvementDefinition changed to: Any question, controversy or dispute about third party involvement.
2/28/2025ReasonsConcerns/Issues with Peer ReviewDefinition changed to: The peer review was not performed solely through journal error, or there are problems with the peer review that are not covered under “Fake Peer Review”.
2/28/2025ReasonsConflict of InterestDefinition changed to: Any question, controversy or dispute about author(s), editor(s), any third party and/or peer reviewer(s) having affiliations with companies, associations or institutions that may serve to influence how they conduct their role in any part of the research and/or publication process(es).
2/28/2025ReasonsContamination of Cell Lines/TissuesDefinition changed to: Impurities were found or suspected within cell lines or tissues.
2/28/2025ReasonsCopyright ClaimsDefiniton changed to: Dispute concerning permissions or ownership of materials (equipment, cell lines, etc.), technologies, images, text, patents, etc.
2/28/2025ReasonsCriminal ProceedingsDefinition changed to: Criminal legal proceedings were instigated in response to the publication and/or notice(s), or criminal legal proceedings resulted in the correction/EOC/retraction/etc.
2/28/2025ReasonsDate of Retraction/Other UnknownName amended and definition changed to: Date of Article and/or Notice Unknown: The article and/or notice do not have clear publication dates. RW may also use this reason when a publisher overwrites the original article’s HTML page with the notice, without changing the publication date to reflect the change.
2/28/2025ReasonsDuplicate Publication through Error by Journal/PublisherName amended and definition changed to: Duplication of Content through Error by Journal/Publisher: Duplication of published content due to an error by the journal or publisher.
2/28/2025ReasonsDuplication of ArticleName amended and definition changed to: Duplication of/in Article: Duplication of a published item, or undefined sections of it.
2/28/2025ReasonsDuplication of DataDefinition changed to: Duplication of any of the data.
2/28/2025ReasonsDuplication of ImageNamed amended and definition changed to: Duplication of/in Image: Duplication of one or more images, or part(s) of one or more images.
2/28/2025ReasonsDuplication of TextDefinition changed to: Duplication of any of the text.
2/28/2025ReasonsEOC Lifted‘Not to be confused with an “Upgraded to Retraction”‘ added to Definition
2/28/2025ReasonsError by Journal/PublisherDefinition changed to: An error attributed to a journal/publisher.
2/28/2025ReasonsError by Third PartyDefinition changed to: An error attributed to any third party.
2/28/2025ReasonsError in AnalysesDefinition changed to: One or more errors in the evaluation of any of the data or in any calculation(s).
2/28/2025ReasonsError in Cell Lines/TissuesDefinition changed to: One or more errors in the choice or identification of any of the cell lines or tissues.
2/28/2025ReasonsError in DataDefinition changed to: One or more errors in any of the data.
2/28/2025ReasonsError in ImageDefinition changed to: One or more errors in one or more images, or part(s) of one or more images.
2/28/2025ReasonsError in Materials (General)Named amended and definition changed to: Error in Materials: One or more errors in one or more experimental materials. including reagents, mixing bowls, equipment or instrumentation.
2/28/2025ReasonsError in MethodsDefinition changed to: One or more errors in the choice of and/or implementation of experimental protocol(s).
2/28/2025ReasonsError in Results and/or ConclusionsDefinition changed to: One or more errors in any of the results and/or the conclusions.
2/28/2025ReasonsError in TextDefinition changed to: One or more errors in any of the text.
2/28/2025ReasonsEthical Violations by AuthorDefinition changed to: When a journal/publisher/institution states that one or more authors have not met the journal/publisher/institution’s standards of publishing and/or research ethics. RW will use this reason when no other information about the correction/EOC/retraction is available (i.e., the notice only states that there was an ethical violation), or when the ethical violation (as an additional reason) cannot be addressed by existing reasons.
2/28/2025ReasonsEthical Violations by Third PartyNamed amended and definition changed to: Ethical Violations by Company/Institution/Third Party: When a journal/publisher/institution states that one or more company(ies)/institution(s)/thirdparty(ies) have not met the journal/publisher/institution’s standards of publishing and/or research ethics. RW will use this reason when no other information about the correction/EOC/retraction is available (i.e., the notice only states that there was an ethical violation), or when the ethical violation (as an additional reason) cannot be addressed by existing reasons.
02/28/2025ReasonsEuphemisms for DuplicationDefinition changed to: The notice describes duplication of material without using the words “duplicate(d)” or “duplication.”
02/28/2025ReasonsEuphemisms for MisconductDefinition changed to: The notice does not explicitly state that the reason for the notice is due to misconduct, despite a journal, publisher, company, institution, government agency or author explicitly stating that there was misconduct.
02/28/2025ReasonsEuphemisms for PlagiarismDefinition changed to: The notice describes plagiarism of material without using the words “plagiarize(d)” or “plagiarism.”
02/28/2025ReasonsFalse AffiliationNamed amended and definition changed to: False/Forged Affiliation: The false/forged use of an affiliation/institutional name in the publication process.
02/28/2025ReasonsFalsification/Fabrication of DataDefinition changed to: Falsification or fabrication of any data in order to mislead.
02/28/2025ReasonsFalsification/Fabrication of ImageDefinition changed to: Falsification or fabrication in/of one or more images, or part(s) of one or more images, in order to mislead.
02/28/2025ReasonsFalsification/Fabrication of ResultsDefinition changed to: Falsification or fabrication of results in order to mislead.
02/28/2025ReasonsForged AuthorshipName amended and definition changed to: False/Forged Authorship: The false/forged use of one or more author names in the publication process.
02/28/2025ReasonsHoax PaperDefinition changed to: The paper was intentionally drafted with fabricated or falsified data or other content with the goal of testing a journal or publisher’s manuscript acceptance policies.
02/28/2025ReasonsInformed/Patient Consent – None/WithdrawnDefinition changed to: When informed/patient consent documentation is deemed insufficient or is not available or the participant later disputes/withdraws their approval.
02/28/2025ReasonsInvestigation by Company/InstitutionDefinition changed to: An investigation by the company/institution listed as the affiliation of one or more authors.
02/28/2025ReasonsInvestigation by Journal/PublisherDefinition changed to: An investigation by the journal/publisher of the article
02/28/2025ReasonsInvestigation by ORIDefinition changed to: An investigation by the United States Office of Research Integrity (ORI).
02/28/2025ReasonsInvestigation by Third PartyDefinition changed to: An investigation by any third party that is not the United States Office of Research Integrity (ORI).
02/28/2025ReasonsLack of Approval from AuthorDefinition changed to: One or more authors did not approve one or more parts of the research or publication process(es). RW also uses this reason if the notice mentions a lack of documentation of alleged approval.
02/28/2025ReasonsLack of Approval from Company/InstitutionDefinition changed to: One or more companies/institutions did not approve one or more parts of the research or publication process(es). RW also uses this reason if the notice mentions a lack of documentation of alleged approval.
02/28/2025ReasonsLack of Approval from Third PartyDefinition changed to: One or more third parties did not approve one or more parts of the research or publication process(es). RW also uses this reason if the notice mentions a lack of documentation of alleged approval.
02/28/2025ReasonsLack of IRB/IACUC ApprovalName amended and definition changed to: Lack of IRB/IACUC Approval and/or Compliance: Failure to obtain approval(s) and/or exemption(s) from the institutional ethical review board overseeing human or animal experimentation prior to starting a study, or failure to follow the approved protocol(s), or failure to provide documentation of approval(s) and/or exemption(s).
02/28/2025ReasonsLegal Reasons/Legal ThreatsName amended and definition changed to: Legal Reasons and/or Threats: When a journal/publisher/author/third party uses the phrase “legal reasons,” documents litigation or legal threats, or mentions one or more specific laws
02/28/2025ReasonsManipulation of DataDefinition changed to: Addition of the reason: Manipulation of Data: Manipulation of any data.
02/28/2025ReasonsManipulation of ImagesDefinition changed to: Manipulation of one or more images, or part(s) of one or more images.
02/28/2025ReasonsManipulation of ResultsDefinition changed to: Manipulation of any results.
02/28/2025ReasonsMiscommunication by AuthorName amended and definition changed to: Miscommunication with/by Author: One or more authors misunderstood one or more parts of a message sent to and/or from one or more authors.
02/28/2025ReasonsMiscommunication by Company/InstitutionName amended and definition changed to: Miscommunication with/by Company/Institution: One or more companies/institutions misunderstood one or more parts of a message sent to and/or from one or more companies/institutions.
02/28/2025ReasonsMiscommunication by Journal/PublisherName amended and definition changed to: Miscommunication with/by Journal/Publisher: One or more journals/publishers misunderstood one or more parts of a message sent to and/or from one or more journals/publishers.
02/28/2025ReasonsMiscommunication by Third PartyName amended and definition changed to: Miscommunication with/by Third Party: One or more third parties misunderstood one or more parts of a message sent to and/or from one or more third parties.
02/28/2025ReasonsMisconduct – Official Investigation/FindingName amended and definition changed to: Misconduct – Official Investigation(s) and/or Finding(s): An investigation by an incorporated company, institution or government agency into misconduct allegations (founded or unfounded) and/or the finding(s) of misconduct by an incorporated company, institution or government agency.
02/28/2025ReasonsMisconduct by AuthorDefinition changed to: Statement by journal, publisher, company, institution, government agency or author that one or more authors committed misconduct.
02/28/2025ReasonsMisconduct by Company/InstitutionDefinition changed to: Statement by journal, publisher, company, institution, government agency or author that one or more companies/institutions committed misconduct.
02/28/2025ReasonsMisconduct by Third PartyDefinition changed to: Statement by journal, publisher, company, institution, government agency or author that one or more third party(ies) committed misconduct.
02/28/2025ReasonsNo Further ActionDefinition changed to: The journal or publisher has stated that no further action will be taken.
02/28/2025ReasonsNonpayment of Fees/Refusal to PayName amended and definition changed to: Nonpayment of Fees and/or Refusal to Pay: Fees for services, licenses or access were not paid and/or completed, and/or there was a refusal to pay fees.
02/28/2025ReasonsNot Presented at ConferenceDefinition added: The paper/abstract/poster was not presented at the conference for which it was accepted.
02/28/2025ReasonsNotice – Lack ofDefinition changed to: No notice was published by the journal or publisher.
02/28/2025ReasonsNotice – Limited or No InformationDefinition changed to: The notice provides minimal or no information about the cause for correction, concern or retraction.
02/28/2025ReasonsNotice – Unable to Access via Current ResourcesDefinition changed to: The notice is paywalled by the journal/publisher, only available in print or is in some form unavailable for inspection.
02/28/2025ReasonsObjections by Author(s)Definition changed to: One or more authors objected to the notice or the wording of the notice.
02/28/2025ReasonsObjections by Company/InstitutionDefinition changed to: One or more companies/institutions objected to the notice or the wording of the notice.
02/28/2025ReasonsObjections by Third PartyDefinition changed to: One or more third parties objected to the notice or the wording of the notice.
02/28/2025ReasonsOriginal Data not ProvidedName amended and Definition changed to: Original Data and/or Images not Provided and/or not Available: The original data or images for the published study are no longer available or were not given to the editorial staff.
02/28/2025ReasonsPaper MillDefinition changed to: When a journal/publisher/institution states that a paper came from a paper mill or the paper is in a list of paper mill papers. RW may also use this reason to reflect that RW has identified multiple paper mill criteria applying to this paper.
02/28/2025ReasonsPlagiarism of ArticleName amended and Definition changed to: Plagiarism of/in Article: Plagiarism of a published item, or undefined sections of it.
02/28/2025ReasonsPlagiarism of DataDefinition changed to: Plagiarism of any of the data.
02/28/2025ReasonsPlagiarism of ImageDefinition changed to: Plagiarism of one or more images.
02/28/2025ReasonsPlagiarism of TextDefinition changed to: Plagiarism of any of the text.
02/28/2025ReasonsPublishing BanDefinition changed to: When a journal/publisher states that no manuscripts will be accepted from one or more authors of the original article. Bans could be for a limited time or indefinitely.
02/28/2025ReasonsResults not ReproducibleDefinition changed to: When repetition(s) of experiment(s), using the same materials and methods, failed to replicate the results in the original article.
02/28/2025ReasonsRetract and ReplaceDefinition changed to: The change of an item’s status reflecting that a retracted item will be replaced with a new publication in the same journal. The journal has indicated that the replacement should be cited as the version of record.
02/28/2025ReasonsRogue EditorDefinition changed to: Used when an editor’s credentials are false/forged or when an editor subverts one or more processes under their purview. An “editor” may be an established editor affiliated with the journal or a guest editor.
02/28/2025ReasonsSabotage of MaterialsName amended and Definition changed to: Sabotage of Materials/Methods: An intentional action by a third party, without the researchers’ knowledge or consent, to sabotage or contaminate experimental ingredients or processes in order to influence experimental outcome(s).
02/28/2025ReasonsSabotage of MethodsDeleted, and combined with Sabotage of Materials
02/28/2025ReasonsSalami SlicingDefinition changed to: The publication of several articles using the same dataset by breaking it into sections, with the intent of exploiting a limited data set for the production of several published works. This does not apply to large multi-group studies such as the Framingham Heart Study.
02/28/2025ReasonsTaken via TranslationDefinition changed to: The duplicated or plagiarized content was created via a translation from one language to another.
02/28/2025ReasonsTaken via Peer ReviewDefinition changed to: The duplicated or plagiarized content was taken during the peer review process.
02/28/2025ReasonsTaken from Dissertation/ThesisDefinition changed to: The duplicated or plagiarized content was taken from an academic dissertation or thesis.
02/28/2025ReasonsTemporary RemovalDefinition changed to: The original article is removed from the journal’s publishing platform and the notice states the removal will be for an undefined period of time.
02/28/2025ReasonsTransfer of Copyright/OwnershipName amended and definition changed to: Transfer of Copyright and/or Ownership: A change in the copyright and/or ownership of the article or any of its content.
02/28/2025ReasonsUnreliable DataDefinition changed to: Any of the data is unreliable.
02/28/2025ReasonsUnreliable ImageDefinition changed to: One or more images, or part(s) of one or more images, are unreliable.
02/28/2025ReasonsUnreliable ResultsDefinition changed to: Any of the results and/or conclusions are unreliable.
02/28/2025ReasonsUpdated to CorrectionDefinition changed to: The article has a correction after this notice.
02/28/2025ReasonsUpdated to Expression of ConcernName and definition added: Updated to Expression of Concern: The article has an expression of concern after this notice.
02/28/2025ReasonsUpdated to RetractionDefinition changed to: The article has a retraction after this notice.
02/28/2025ReasonsUpgrade/Update of Prior NoticeName amended and definition changed to: Upgrade/Update of Prior Notice(s): At least one prior notice for the article has been upgraded or updated with this notice.
02/28/2025ReasonsWithdrawn (out of date)Name amended and definition changed to: Withdrawn as Out of Date: The article has been retracted as part of a journal’s process of keeping guidelines or reviews current for professional use.
02/28/2025ReasonsWithdrawn to Publish in Different JournalDefinition changed to: The article was taken from one journal/platform or access type to be published in a different journal/platform or with a different access type.
03/06/2025ReasonsUnreliable ResultsName amended and definition changed to: Unreliable Results and/or Conclusions: Any of the results and/or conclusions are unreliable.