Journal mistakenly publishes Parkinson’s case report twice

Journal of Movement Disorders

A journal has retracted a duplicate version of a case report about a patient with Parkinson’s disease after mistakenly publishing the paper twice.

The Journal of Movement Disorders initially published the report — which detailed the case of an elderly woman with Parkinson’s disease whose symptoms worsened during drug treatment — in 2010. But it ended up printing it again in 2011 because of “a mistake of the editorial office and the publisher.”

The notice reads:

The article “Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion Associated with Pramipexole in a Patient with Parkinson’s Disease (DOI:” published in the April 30, 2011 issue of Journal of Movement Disorders has been retracted by agreement between the authors (Yoonjae Choi, Jeong Jin Park, Na Young Ryoo, So-Hyun Kim, Changseok Song, Im-Tae Han, Chang-Gi Hong, Choong Kun Ha, Seong Hye Choi) and the journal’s Editor-in-Chief Yun Joong Kim due to duplicate publication. The initial article was published in the October 31, 2010 issue of Journal of Movement Disorders (DOI: Duplicate publication was not the authors’ intention, but a mistake of the editorial office and the publisher. We deeply regret this mistake and apologize for any inconvenience to authors and readers of Journal of Movement Disorders.

The report was authored by staff at the neurology outpatient clinic in Inha University in South Korea. 

We’ve reached out to Yun Joong Kim, the journal’s editor-in-chief, and corresponding author Seong Hye Choi. We’ll update the story with any response.

Hat tip: Rolf Degen

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