Serial plagiarizer notches three retractions

The chips are starting to fall from investigations into the works of Mustapha Marrouchi, a former English professor at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) — he’s lost three papers from the journal College Literature. Things began publicly unraveling for Marrouchi last year when an investigation by the Chronicle of Higher Education found lifted material in his books, essays, … Continue reading Serial plagiarizer notches three retractions

UNLV English professor fired for plagiarizing Updike, Said, Zizek, and more

An English professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, has been fired after the discovery that a huge portion of his work from the last two decades contains material lifted wholesale from some of the world’s best writers and thinkers. Mustapha Marrouchi was first accused of plagiarism in 1992, when he ripped off an essay … Continue reading UNLV English professor fired for plagiarizing Updike, Said, Zizek, and more